Gay Bars Hawaii - Just click-on the Bar or Club logo to open their website in a new browser window: Hula's Bar & Lei Stand 2nd Floor, 134 Kapahulu Ave. Honolulu HI96815 Wang Chung's Karaoke Bar 2424 Koa Ave, Honolulu, HI 96815 Bacchus Waikiki 408 Lewers St. Honolulu, HI 96815 There are currently 7 Gay Bars in Honolulu, listed here in no particular order. We'll add additional links shortly to the other Gay Bars here in Hawaii. In Between Waikiki On Lewers right behind Mooses, or in the alley way next to Prada Tapas Restaurant & Lanai Bar 2nd Floor, 407 Seaside Ave. Honolulu HI 96815 Chiko's Tavern 930 McCully Street. Honolulu, HI 96826 Scarlet Honolulu 80 S Pauahi St, Honolulu, HI 96813 Follow our Social Stuff: