Creating and Curating Change

August 14, 2019 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
UH Manoa Hamilton Libraray

Continuing through September, 2019, “Creating & Curating Change” is drawn from the “AIDS & Same-Gender Marriage Archive” of Tom Ramsey PhD, and David McEwan MD, with additional contributions from the collections of Judge Dan Foley, Judge Steven Levinson, Jackie Young PhD, and Heather LuskMSW.

AIDS & Same Gender Marriage often dominated politics and public discourse in Hawai’i,the nation and the world for the past 38 years, and Hawai’i was on the forefront of both issues. The two were deeply connected; the struggle against AIDS helping to energize the call for marriage rights. Both were full of emotion, hope, politics, research, religion, tragedy and freedom. Worldwide, the struggles continue!

Special group gatherings are very welcome and FREE. Contact Leilani Dawson at

Dr. David McEwan and Professor Tom Ramsey have established a permanent fund at the UH Foundation to support the “AIDS & Same-Gender Marriage Archive”. Their goals include creating a full catalog with extensive cross-references; and eventually complete digitization, connectivity to similar archives, and open access internationally.

To check on open hours please visit

For more information contact David McEwan M.D. at

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